Email Automation

Email Automation

Use your email to automate marketing, support or other tasks.

Sending emails with the right information suddenly becomes a lot easier! Imagine this: you have received a new lead at 1 of your landing pages. This lead has requested an e-book on a certain topic.
With an automation, you can automatically send the e-book and also useful information emails on the specific topic without any effort.

At Drivn, we can create an automation workflow that automatically sends the right email template, with the right information and language to the right people. With an email automation, you don’t have to worry about sending these types of tasks.

We can also look at the incoming emails and automatically perform tasks on them. Process your invoices immediately, calculate VAT and register this in a sheet? Or rather have your support e-mails automatically converted into a ticket within your CRM? The possibilities are endless.


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