
E-commerce Store

Automate all manual tasks within your webshop to serve your customer faster.

Within a web shop many actions often happen in a short time. Sometimes these tasks have to be processed manually which costs many man hours. With an automation you can let many tasks run automatically without losing the personal connection with your customer.

For example, you can think of automatically processing new orders. This can include placing an order in a management system such as Trello or, printing the order with specific data so it can be retrieved from the warehouse, or ordering products from the supplier.
Many of these tasks can be automated so that you can focus on your customers and your employees can do other things.

When it comes to support from the webshop, there are often many tasks that are still done manually. With an automation you can for example have new emails to a support email address, whatsapp, or another line automatically processed in your CRM such as Hubspot, Pipedrive, Salesforce or another tool. That way, all your support team has to do is look in the CRM and pick up the questions there.



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